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Gwyneth Paltrow tweets N-word, then defends herself

Gwyneth Paltrow


Every time I hear these stories it really upsets me. It does not upset me for the reason most people think it does. First, I am black.

I will not be using this N-word crap. Let’s speak like adults. After all this is my blog and I say as I please.

That said, here is the fact. Many Black rappers use nigger in their songs ad nauseum. White people buy their rap from what I understand even more so than black folks. I would be damn if I will buy a song, CD, or MP3 where I must select which words I can sing.

Now specific to Paltrow’s tweet, what in the hell is the problem. Her association with rappers I think earned her the right to correspond with them as she wants unless they object just like if they address her in a manner she opposes, she can object.


Gwyneth Paltrow tweets N-word, then defends herself

10:03 AM By Leora Arnowitz

Gwyneth Paltrow has found herself smack in the middle of an N-word controversy.

The actress and mother of two has been under fire for a tweet she posted June 1 while at a Kanye West and Jay-Z “Watch the Throne” concert in Paris.

“— in Paris for real @mrteriusnash (the dream) tyty, beehigh” she tweeted, replacing two of the letters in the N-word with stars.

She also posted a photo from backstage with the tweet, implying she was referring to the pair’s hit song, “— in Paris.”

Still, many fans didn’t take to the tweet well.

“Hold up. It’s the title of the song!” Paltrow posted on Sunday after media reports began to surface about the controversial tweet.

Paltrow and her husband, Chris Martin, are known to be very close with Jay-Z. In May, the actress took her children, Apple and Moses, to one of his concerts.

Do you think Paltrow’s tweet crossed the line?  [More]

Gwyneth Paltrow tweets N-word, then defends herself

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