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Occupy Kingwood – A Sustainable Form Of The Occupy Movement (2012-06-09)

Our Sustainable Informational Occupy is now 25 consecutive weeks strong. We are almost half way through our promised 52 week Occupy.

This was a very difficult week to keep it going strong as many of us were out of town. I attended Netroots Nation 2012 in Providence Rhode Island. Coffee Party’s Bambi was occupying a table at the Texas Democratic Convention talking up the Coffee Party Civility Doctrine. Dr. Theis, Tara, and several other Lone Star Kingwood Students were at a Democracy convention in San Antonio. Deborah, Marc, Philip, and other Kingwood Area Democrats were at the Texas Democratic Convention as delegates.

Luckily we had other wonderful activists step up to fulfill our goal to provide the community 52 consecutive weeks of information civilly. Professor Davis held down the fort by engaging a passionate Right Winger without losing a beat. Valerie was kind enough to video the event in my absence. She did a wonderful job capturing the essence of the day. Our stalwarts Stephanie, Brandon, and Sandy were there enduring the heat displaying their signs.

No movement is a person. A successful movement is dependent on having a group willing to complete a task irrespective of obstacles. A successful movement is dependent on everyone watching everyone’s back. A successful movement is organic endeavor where together we get a working system. Occupy Kingwood is a fully functional part of that working system. We have proven rain or shine, heat or cold, some absent or not that we are committed being a part of a movement to make a better America for the middle class and with that for all Americans.

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