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Coffee Party Radio: Talking Immigration, Amnesty, & Dreamer -Politics Done Right–12 Noon Central

imagePolitics Done Right with Egberto Willies

Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern

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(646) 929-2495

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"President Obama’s decision to override years of anti-immigrant obstruction — the DREAM Act passed the U.S. House 216-198, and had a 55-41 edge in the Senate in 2010 but was killed by a filibuster — is not only good for immigrant families, it is good for America as a whole."

"We need a President and a Congress who make decisions in the nation’s best interest, even if a small fragment of the nation is vociferously against it. We need to grow up as a nation. Fear of demographic shift is NOT more important than America’s economic viability and competitiveness in the world."

Do you agree with these two excerpts from Eric Byler’s blog yesterday about President Obama’s decision to America’s young Dreamers that they can stay and contribute to the nation they and we love? If so, call in. If not, PLEASE call in! Today on Politics Done Right we need to have an honest, fact-based conversation about an economic issue that is central to America’s future. That’s right, immigration is an economic issue. I am an immigrant to this country, and I have my own view. But I want to hear from you. Is preventing or delaying demographic shift more important that growing our economy? If not, why are we tolerating inaction from our government on this crucial issue?

Also, this was a very busy week. President Obama and Mitt Romney had dueling campaign speeches. We will discuss this with Jonathan Greenberg.

And finally, I attended Netroots Nation 2012 in Providence Rhode Island last week. I will discuss the highlights of the conference.

David Levitt, candidate for Senate in California will discuss people powered election and people powered government. It will be a great show so make sure and listen and call in. We want to hear from you.


Please call me at (646)929-2495 let us discuss these issues. I want to hear and discuss ALL points of views.

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