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My Interview by Freelance Journalist Talia Whyte at Netroots Nation 2012

Talia Whyte (1)I was interviewed several times at Netroots Nation 2012. Tara Whyte is a freelance journalist who has reported on issues related to social justice, media and technology for over 10 years.

Her work can be found in the Houston Chronicle, The Progressive,, The Boston Globe, MSNBC, PBS, Al Jazeera, among many others. Please view her Linkedin page here. She is also principal of Global Wire Associates, a new media consulting firm that promotes innovative communication for advancing social justice. She is also the co-author of Digital Activism Decoded: The New Mechanics of Change.

Talia interviewed several attendees of the conference. My interview occurs at minute 8:05.

Mic Check from Netroots Nation

Published June 12, 2012 Global Wire Associates

Netroots Nations made its way to Providence, Rhode Island June 7-10, 2012 and I had a chance to talk to some attendees about the importance of online activism today.

Mic Check from Netroots Nation « Talia Whyte

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