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Not Hypothetical For Many–A Repeal Of Obamacare Will Kill And Bankrupt Many

imageWith the Supreme Court’s decision on the health care law expected next week, GOP politicians and their media allies are attacking Obamacare in full force. Many are treating the repeal or the potential Supreme Court rendering of the bill unconstitutional as some sort of a game. It is far from a game for millions of Americans.

I came to this country to get an education. I decided to stay for a better life. I worked professionally as an engineer. I then formed my own company. I never took anything from the government. I have always purchased health insurance for my family.

When I formed my own company my health insurance cost skyrocketed. Over the years my wife developed Lupus, a chronic disease. That locked us in to our policy which had escalated to almost $20,000 a year (that was over 5 years ago). In Texas we finally found a high risk pool for my wife and a catastrophic policy for me and my daughter and a college policy for my daughter. Our combined deductible is $15,000 per year. As such we pay all of our health care out of pocket even as we pay north of $15,000 a year for health insurance. While I understand my family is subsidizing the system, we can afford it at these rates. Many can’t.

The real issue is that if Obamacare is repealed or deemed unconstitutional, it is almost guaranteed that because a party, the Republican Party is anathema to universal healthcare, the laissez faire healthcare system will continue. This will cause the deaths of many Americans and the bankruptcy of many Americans. This is not conjecture. This is not hypothetical. This is fact. My wife who runs the Lupus support group in my community is continuously attempting to help Lupus sufferers whose insurance was rescinded, who are unable to get insurance, and who simply cannot afford it. Many have kidney problems that need care to prevent their deaths but because they are not in dire straits now, the emergency room is not an option. This story can be repeated for millions of Americans with other ailments. This system is inhumane, immoral, un-Christian, and a travesty to decency and ethics.

The talking points by the Right Wing claim that people hate Obamacare.

One of the biggest lies that have been allowed to metastasize in the minds of many is that Obamacare is a government takeover of healthcare in our country.

I have read the entire 2700+ pages of the bill. I will admit that because it references other laws it is difficult to read and much of it is cloaked in legalese above my pay grade. That said it is easy to ascertain that the bill does not increase the deficit especially when it is noted that absent the bill those of us with insurance are stuck paying for the free loaders and the poor.

For those that contend that Obamacare increases costs, we must remember that the bill in effect has many measures to reduce cost. It is ironic that many of these cost reducing policies were attacked disingenuously by the Right Wing.

One of the biggest lies was intended to scare older Americans into believing that Obamacare would cut $500 billion from Medicare and as such negatively affect the healthcare of seniors. The reality is the biggest threat to Medicare is the Romney/Ryan Budget Plan.

Sadly, one of the most grotesque lies was that the bill had death panels. Would any politician Republican or Democrat codify death panels in any law? That is simply incredulous and silly. I read the entire bill. There are no death panels.

I have always said we get the government we deserve. I must change that for now because it is a bit harsh and condescending. We cannot expect well-meaning Americans to simply disregard all the information that is continuously fed to them with no effect. Instead of judging, we must inform our friends, acquaintances, and family to the truth so they can filter the garbage they are being fed. Informed Americans will make the right choice. Then and only then will “we get the government we deserve” be a reality.

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