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Where Did I Go Wrong With My Daughter? Cockroaches Beware

I was Skyping with my daughter for about 15 minutes. She was excited with her new exercise program. She believes she can compete with this old fart but this old man is only old in age.

Anyway we got off and about half hour later my cellphone rang. This “little” girl of mine was screaming her brains out. “Daaaaaaaadddddddd. Daaaaaaaaaadddd”. My heart is in my throat now because I think something is wrong. She calms down and says: “There is a cockroach by the stereo”. I must admit initially being annoyed because her wailing sounded like she was being attacked.

She then said she did not have any RAID and she was scared of a beast that weighs less than an ounce. She then asked if she should spray some Clorax on it. “NO ASHLEY, DON’T YOU KNOW THAT WILL DISCOLOR WHATEVER IT TOUCHES”, “Yes dad, I know but I am not leaving that roach there” . “EVER HEARD OF A SLIPPER ASHLEY?” “Yes but he may fly dad”. “ASHLEY GET A DAMN BROOM AND KILL THE THING. LOOK KID, I AM BUSY AND GOTTA GO”. “So you are gonna be that way eh dad?” “I WISH I COULD TAPE THIS CONVERSATION AND PLAY IT BACK TO YOU” “Bye dad”

A few hours later I get these two pictures. Folks I am not taking editorial liberties! Damn boots and a broom to annihilate a cockroach? Where did I fail. You just gotta laugh but some of us are doing something WWWRROONNGG.

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