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Coffee Party Radio: California Vote To Overturn Citizens United. Listen Live or Call Me With Your Story Sat. 1 PM EST

Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies

Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern

Call In, talk and/or Listen:
(646) 929-2495

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imageThis week I am honored to have David Cobb.

  • National Projects Director of Democracy Unlimited
  • Move To Amend Executive Committee Member
  • 2004 Green Party Presidential Candidate

We will discuss:

  • California’s passage of AJR 22. California joins 5 other states, Hawaii, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Maryland in calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.
  • David Cobb will discuss the different amendments being offered by several groups and why the Move To Amend (MTA) version is likely the best.
  • David and I will discuss where do we go from here.

Coffee Party USA is a trans-partisan issues based organization. We want to hear every point of view. We want to read your comments at Coffee Party Main Facebook Page. I post at 12 Noon Eastern everyday. Most of the issues I post are middle class centric issues. Other board members and social media group members post at different times.

After discussing Move To Amend specific issues we will continue to discuss current political issues.

Please call me at (646)929-2495 let us discuss these issues. I want to hear and discuss ALL points of views.

Listen And Chat Here at your computer or smartphone

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