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Award Winning ‘The Help’ Actress Viola Davis’ NAACP Closing Speech In Houston -The Highlight

Viola Davis was the featured speaker of the NAACP closing dinner in Houston, Texas.. Let me be honest, when I realized that the featured speaker was an actress I was a bit disappointed.

I have nothing against entertainers but sometimes it seems we give entertainers too much reverence on issues generally out of the scope of their knowledge. This have a tendency to minimize the achievements of many that have studied and toiled as they receive little recognition from fields and issues they are more equipped to address.

Inasmuch as the above being true, Viola Davis testimony simply floored me. She was the right person to deliver the message she delivered on why every black person or anyone who had been denied the right to vote had the duty, obligation, and responsibility to do so.


Ms. Davis claimed she had writers block when putting her speech together. If this speech was a reflection of writers block, then Viola, please remain blocked. I would wager that anyone leaving after listening to her speech irrespective of race or ethnicity, left empowered not only from the honesty, inspiration, and selflessness of her delivery, but from the substance of her prose.

I watched all the major speeches at the convention on TV. Without a doubt the substance of Viola’s speech represents all that the NAACP worked for directly and indirectly and likely would be the most effective in getting the vote out.

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