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Thank You Obamacare – Rebate Check for 251.34 For Overcharge By Insurance Company

imageI received my Health Insurance rebate today. The rebate was triggered by the "medical loss ratio" provision of the 2010 health care reform law that essentially caps insurance companies’ administrative costs at 20 percent of premiums. That is still way above a single payer system or Medicare for all but it is an improvement.

The check also came with an advisory letting everyone know the additional benefits provided by the Affordable Care Act. These specifically are that your premium includes coverage for screenings and physicals at no additional costs. The note stresses the company’s intent to lower administrative costs. Well, they finally have to do a little more to earn the premiums they’ve been pilfering for decades.

It is in the insurance companies’ best interest to keep their costs down because a single payer system is the next phase.

Now it is going to be a fight going forward. The Right knows that once Americans get a taste of a moral efficient, and humane healthcare system they won’t go back. Those that have been pilfering the middle class will have to find a real job. They will have to earn real income. You must be informed however. Please book mark this link.

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