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Forbes’ TJ Walker Wants Mitt Romney To Answer 35 Questions–I Only Have Two

I have no doubt that Mitt Romney is a good family man. I have no doubt that he loves his wife, his family, and his Mormon Church. What I do doubt is that Mitt Romney is capable of empathy.

We laugh at Romney putting his dog on the roof of the car for a vacation. We disregard the story of him holding down a student he perceived was gay and cutting off his hair. He goes into a town and insults a bakery by dissing its donuts as being from Seven Eleven inasmuch as many middle class folks including myself enjoy a Seven Eleven donut every now and then. Without addressing the pain and deaths it will cause to millions of Americans, he claims he will repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) knowing any new bill would take decades. He claims he would abolish Planned Parenthood.

To be fair, this was not the Mitt Romney of Massachusetts who was a pragmatic and fairly moderate Republican. But the Mitt Romney described above is the Mitt Romney that is asking America for its vote. Now if I believed Mitt Romney could do a better job on our economy, on our social policies, and on our social safety net, my patriotic duty would dictate that I consider voting for him. The problem is there is not much to work with.

Mitt Romney has made a pact with the far Right Wing that has changed him. As such I simply have two questions.

If elected will you renounce you alliance with the far Right Wing explicitly? If elected will you attempt to be empathetic to the travails of the middle class which is diametrically opposed to all that you have campaign on so far?

These are the questions every American should be asking for the sake of the health, financial, and social well-being of themselves, their family, and their country.

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35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away

Mitt Romney conducted numerous TV and other media interviews yesterday in order to minimize the damage his campaign has received regarding discrepancies surrounding his tenure at Bain.
During times of crisis it is often a smart strategy to give virtually unlimited access to the media in order to push out your message aggressively and satisfy reporter curiosity so that the issue can be pushed of the front burner. John McCain famously did this well earlier in his career when dealing with his own Keating five controversies.

Unfortunately for the Romney Campaign, The slew of TV interviews did little to satisfy the media. In times of crisis, a strong candidate will come up with answers that satisfy the basic questions surround the controversy and will make people want to move on to another subject. Romney, however, could not seem to come up with basic messages that resolved the controversies. Many of his answers seemed evasive or overly legalistic. The biggest problem for Romney is that all of his interviews have only increased the questions that political observers, voters and the media have regarding he subject of Bain Capital.

Specifically, Romney is going to have to answer the following 35 questions before this issue subsides:

1. Are you contending that an individual can simultaneously be the CEO, president, managing director of a company, and its sole stockholder and somehow be “disassociated” from the company or accurately classified as someone not having “any” formal involvement with a company?


35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital Before The Issue Can Go Away – Forbes

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