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Attack on Gabby Douglas’ Hair on Twitter By Some Black Women A Display Of Their Self Hate

UPDATED: 2012-08-06

Let me be clear, Gabby Douglas achieved an accomplishment that very few women in the world have achieved. Foremost I was elated that an American won the all-around gymnastic title. I would be lying if I did not admit that I felt an extra bout of pride that she is black given that it has never been done before and it will be another symbol and visual confirmation for young black and minority girls that they can compete in any venue.

I created a Gabby Douglas query on Twitterdeck to see what was abuzz with Gabby’s new accomplishment. I must admit utter disgust at comments by too many BLACK WOMEN who instead of acknowledging, reveling in, and congratulating Gabby Douglas, they were consumed by her hair style. This is shallow, shameful, and disgraceful. This is mental slavery. We can free the person but only the person can free their mind. BTW, Gabby is 16 and still impressionable and likely reads tweets. Shame on those that are providing this negative affirmation.

Gabby will be given millions in endorsements that will allow her the freedom to do as she pleases with her hair. I would hope that she would view hair as one of her least priorities.

My wife has Lupus and has lost most of her hair. In the beginning she wore uncomfortable wigs to attempt to keep up some hair image. I sat her down and told her I hoped she was not wearing the wigs for me because I did not give a damn. In fact I told her she would do more for women just wearing her hair natural, bald spot and all. Everyone will get used to it. You know what, they did.

Now let me tell you what I think is senseless, the visibly unnatural extensions that many women wear and the expensive and time consuming effort many invest on the top of their heads. If that time and money is invested instead in doing something for ones kids or saved in the bank maybe one could be taken seriously.

Gabby Douglas, congratulations. Know that the vast majority of Americans are proud of you and love your hair whatever style you choose.

Gabby Responds

Gabby Douglas Hair Comments Confuse The Olympic Gymnast

AP 08/05/12 02:02 PM ET

LONDON — Women’s gymnastics all-around champion Gabby Douglas likes her hairstyle just fine, thanks.

The 16-year-old said Sunday she was a little confused when she logged onto her computer after winning her second gold medal in three days and discovered people were debating her pulled-back look.

"I don’t know where this is coming from. What’s wrong with my hair?" said Douglas, the first U.S. gymnast to win gold in team and all-around competition. "I’m like, `I just made history and people are focused on my hair?’ It can be bald or short, it doesn’t matter about (my) hair."

Douglas uses gel, clips and a ponytail holder to keep things in place while she competes, a style she’s worn for years.

"Nothing is going to change," she said. "I’m going to wear my hair like this during beam and bar finals. You might as well just stop talking about it."

The bubbly teenager is the first African-American gymnast to win her sport’s biggest prize. She had no idea she was lighting up social media until she Googled herself hours after winning her gold medal.

"I don’t think people should be worried about that," she said. "We’re all champions and we’re all winners. I just say that it’s kind of, a stupid and crazy thought to think about my hair."

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