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Mitt Romney’s Tax Return Matters And Must Be Released Now

Mitt Romney is brushing off the calls to disclose more of his tax returns as just a political gotcha game. But as conservative columnist George Will put it, "the costs of not releasing the returns are clear, therefore he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them."

What is Mitt hiding that he thinks is worse than voters believing he didn’t pay taxes for a decade?


ATTACK: "This is irrelevant. Democrats are just playing politics."

EXCUSE: "This is an invasion of Romney’s privacy."

EXCUSE:"He did release his tax return and said he’ll release one more."

EXCUSE: "Romney shouldn’t have to disclose more tax returns for public vetting because he’s not a business."

But didn’t Mitt say corporations are people? Yes, he did. If he thinks they should be treated the same, by his logic he should come clean on his tax returns.

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