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Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Lying – Medicare Misdirection vs. Truth–Share The Truth

The Romney-Ryan campaign admits their plan for Medicare has the same $700 billion in savings as Obamacare. The difference? First, Obamacare protects benefits while Romney-Ryan cuts them. Second, Obama uses the savings to enhance Medicare benefits while Romney & Ryan use the money give more tax cuts to the already-rich. But the truth isn’t stopping Republicans and their media allies from lying about Obamacare and their own plan. Here’s how to go on offense.

We stop waste — they cut benefits and end Medicare.


MYTH: "Current seniors won’t be affected under the Romney-Ryan plan."

MYTH: "The Romney-Ryan plan is bipartisan."

CLAIM: "Romney-Ryan will put the $700 billion right back into Medicare."

Whether you call it top-down class warfare or Robin Hood in reverse, the Romney-Ryan plan would take from regular Americans to give more to the wealthiest few in our country.

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