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Comedian Jon Stewart Analyzes Real Issues As Mainstream Media Acts Like Comedians

JonStewart(CockTheVote)This week I have been blogging about many issues and pulling my hair out because of the lack of coverage of substantive issues that are affecting this election. These issues will have material effect on the election itself. It will determine not only which candidate is elected president but Federal House and Senate races as well as State House and Senate races.

Yet the mainstream media continues to obsess on frivolities like Vice President Biden correct metaphor of what Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s policies would do to middle class America. They obsess about the mechanics of Romney not releasing his taxes instead of documenting and analyzing why a person that has overseas bank accounts, overseas corporations, and the likely large beneficiary of tax policies he proposes should release them for moral, ethical, and technical reasons.

The voter suppression being effected by Republican legislatures is a serious issue that could render the results of the election at best suspect and likely illegitimate if the Republican wins.

I know Jon Stewart is a comedian. However, when a comedian is providing better analysis and providing viewers news that matter it illustrates the state of our mainstream media. It is for this reason I have started ending many of my blog posts with the phrase (BE THE MEDIA). You will have to provide relevant information to your families, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances via every channel you have available (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.).

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