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Paul Ryan: 2002 We need stimulus ‘cause it works –2012 Stimulus don’t work

imageMany give MSNBC a hard time for being hyper partisan and Liberal. Both of these statements are true. That said, they get their information right most of the times and when they make a mistake they are quick to correct it. Sadly much of the research that they do go unrecognized because they do not have the reach of Fox News or the gravitas of CNN. Maybe MSNBC should become the research department for CNN. Maybe Mitt Romney should have had MSNBC vet Paul Ryan.

Paul Ryan is neither the bold fiscally conservative congressman many news networks would portray him to be nor the anti-stimulus guy he has turned out to be under President Obama. After-all he voted to support both unfunded wars under Bush, both unfunded tax cuts under Bush, and the unfunded drug bill under Bush.

Shockingly however is Paul Ryan’s support for various stimulus bills under President Bush. Most importantly are the arguments he vociferously made to support said stimuli. They sounded just like the Keynesian arguments made by President Obama and all the Democrats during the debate.

The video below shows Paul Ryan defending the stimulus under Bush, imploring congress to pass the bill to relieve the suffering of the laid off American workers and to create jobs. Paul Ryan was correct then. That under Obama he changed his position to damage the President for political game is evil. He put his party ahead of the well-being of the American citizens.

Paul Ryan and his obstructionist congress have materially harmed the American economy and with that millions of Americans. Republican intransigence this cycle has shown a moral depravity not seen before. It turns out that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are made from the same cloth. They have no core or values. They are willing more so than most to change their positions to fit a selfish goal even if millions get hurt in the process.

It is important that we know for whom we are voting for. Listen to the entire video. When you are done share this post.

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Paul Ryan Defended Stimulus — When George W. Bush Wanted It In 2002 (VIDEO)

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WASHINGTON – When Congressman Paul Ryan has been asked the past few years about the value of stimulus to the sagging economy and the nation’s jobless, the Wisconsin Republican has dismissed it as meaningless, and dubbed it "sugar-high economics."
But that’s when President Obama is pushing for the spending. When it was President George W. Bush arguing for more stimulus to boost a slow economy in the early 2000s, Ryan’s economic analysis was entirely different.

"What we’re trying to accomplish today with the passage of this third stimulus package is to create jobs and help the unemployed," Ryan said, in comments unearthed by MSNBC’s "Up with Chris Hayes" and provided to HuffPost. "What we’re trying to accomplish is to pass the kinds of legislation that when they’ve passed in the past have grown the economy and gotten people back to work."

Video of the comments will be aired at 8:00 a.m. Sunday on MSNBC.

"In recessions unemployment lags on well after a recovery has taken place," Ryan accurately noted in 2002.

Conservatives have routinely mocked Vice President Joe Biden for arguing that in order to reduce the deficit in the long run, the government needs to spend more now; that sentiment is lampooned in a recent pro-Republican campaign ad. But Biden’s analysis — that the government needs to juice the economy to promote growth, or else revenue will fall long term — is one that Ryan himself articulated cogently back when the GOP was urging stimulus. Ryan called such stimulus a "constructive answer" worked out on "a bipartisan basis." Opponents of stimulus, Ryan said, ought to "drop the demagoguery."

"We’ve got to get the engine of economic growth growing again because we now know, because of recession, we don’t have the revenues that we wanted to, we don’t have the revenues we need, to fix Medicare, to fix Social Security, to fix these issues. We’ve got to get Americans back to work. Then the surpluses come back, then the jobs come back. That is the constructive answer we’re trying to accomplish here on, yes, a bipartisan basis. I urge members to drop the demagoguery and to pass this bill to help us work together to get the American people back to work and help those people who’ve lost their jobs," Ryan said.

Bush’s stimulus, which included an extension of jobless benefits and resulted in checks being mailed to millions of Americans, was signed in March 2002.


Paul Ryan Defended Stimulus — When George W. Bush Wanted It In 2002 (VIDEO)

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