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Coffee Party Radio: We All Built That, Conservative Socialism, Rape, Birther Sat 12–2PM Central

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Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies


Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern

Call In, talk and/or Listen:
(646) 929-2495

It seems I am starting to call every week a crazy week. Sadly that is what this election cycle has  become. I think I can categorically state that inasmuch as it might sound partisan that most of the crazy is coming from the Right. In that light I posted a blog with an editorial written by Bryan Henry, a High School Teacher in Kingwood, TX in the Kingwood Observer titled “Bryan Henry–Voting Republican in 2012 fundamentally different than one at any point in nation’s past”. It gives perspective to much of what this election is about and why we must not believe speaking the truth is tantamount to violating our civility pledge.

These are very important times. This is a very important election. In that light every day informing our fellow citizens is imperative. I am currently celebrating my 25th anniversary in Cancun. I believe this election is so important that I asked my wife to forgive me 6 hours out of our time to prepare and present this radio show this weekend. As such we will be broadcasting live from Cancun Mexico.

I will be covering several of the topics I blogged about this week that received a lot of responses from both our devoted listeners, browsers, and accidental listeners.

This week I will cover the following topics.

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Please call me at (646)929-2495 let us discuss these issues. I want to hear and discuss ALL points of views.

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