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Occupy Kingwood – A Sustainable Form Of The Occupy Movement (2012-09-08)

Well we completed week 38. This post is somewhat late but better late than never. Today Valerie continued with her new break off from Kingwood Occupy with her Un-Occupy Women group. Inasmuch as it is a separate movement I am fusing the videos and pictures as our ultimate cause is the middle class, women’s rights, and equal economic and social access for all.

There were the usual honks and positive & negative reactions to our growing numbers. I must say however that I see many more positives than negatives. Dear I say our community is waking up to the realities of what America is becoming and has become.

I must admit as every week go by and I speak to more people I am more encouraged by the tone of those that matter. Those that shout out “GO GET A JOB” made us make a sign stating the fact that we all have jobs. To be blunt I would wager that the IQ level, employment level, and business owner level of our participants far exceed even the “Kingwood” norm.

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