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Mitt Romney Amateurish Response To Terrorist Attack In Libya Makes Him Unfit To Lead

imageFour Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, have been killed in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya during protests sparked by an anti-Muslim film. President Obama condemned the attack in the strongest terms. Mitt Romney, who called Obama’s response “disgraceful,” is taking heat from his own party for his "amateurish" response, especially given his hasty and confused understanding of the facts on the ground.

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Tuesday, before the violent protests begin: The U.S. Embassy in Egypt issues a statement condemning an inflammatory anti-Muslim film by a U.S. producer posted to the Internet. The ensuing protests cannot be condemned then because they have not yet happened.

Tuesday: Violent anti-American protests break out and angry mobs descend on the U.S. consulate in Libya and the U.S. embassy in Egypt.

Tuesday: After confirmation that one of the diplomatic personnel was killed, Secretary Clinton issues a statement strongly condemning the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission, making it clear that "there is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."

Tuesday 10:25 PM EST: Mitt Romney’s campaign — breaking its own promise to avoid partisan mudslinging on the 9/11 anniversary and clearly confusing the facts on the ground — criticizes the Administration’s response as "disgraceful" and falsely accuses the U.S. of sympathizing with the protestors. What is important to note is that Mitt Romney condemned the same type of anti-Islam provocation in 2010. Again Romney displaying his absence of a core makes him unfit for the presidency.

Wednesday 7:21 AM EST: The White House issues a statement from the President strongly condemning the "outrageous attack," stating that "while the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants."

Wednesday 10:20 AM EST: Mitt Romney doubles down on his statements, making sure to repeat his campaign’s false accusations against the President from the night before.

Wednesday 10:43 AM EST: The President vows to "bring to justice the killers who attacked our people."

Wednesday morning: Romney is roundly criticized for his "amateurish" response by Republicans, who are calling it "incompetent"; "just trying to score a cheap news cycle"; "utter disaster"; his "Lehman moment"; "not ready for prime time"; "not presidential."


ATTACK: "Muslims are sympathetic to radical Islam."

ATTACK: "President Obama began his presidency apologizing for America."

It’s Mitt Romney who should quit saying America is in decline and going on overseas tours where he insults our nation’s closest allies.

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