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World War 3, Water Shortage, Wealth Disparity – For Now It Must Be All Election With Context

EngageI am conflicted. There are many problems in the United States and around the world. There is the lack of jobs in America. There is the income and wealth disparity that was exacerbated by supply side economics (Check out The State Of Working America, very informative and a necessary read). There are developing tensions in the Middle East caused both by oppressive governments and bad western policies. Many think that these could be a catalyst to World War III.

There are fresh water shortages around the world that will decimate crops and cause starvation. Companies in wealthy countries are purchasing water rights, a commodity most think should be free and God giving as they charge the populace for a drink. Countries around the world with bad policies for their manufacturing corporations continue to pollute our land, air, and water.

It is a very complicated world with a lot of problems. Most of my posts and the posts of many here have been concentrated decidedly on the presidential election. There are some that see this as short sighted because of all the issues that afflict us in the US and abroad. Some believe we should be engaging in the potential foreign policy debacle that is the Israeli drumbeat to war that would cause America to engage with Iran precipitating a potential expansion to worldwide engagement.

I understand all the above mentioned issues and concerns. The reality is Americans are almost single mindedly concerned about the US economy and who is best to make it better for the middle class. As someone who follows the issues, wants what is best for the middle class, wants to ensure the audience is trusting, receptive, and actionable on the information provided, and who want to have folks receptive to being informed of foreign issues that materially affect America and the world, it is imperative that the data is presented in a manner that you can see how it affects you and your family on a personal level.

In that light, I understand that our election matters even more than some believe. After-all, the problems mentioned above will only be addressed if the correct person is elected president and the correct people are elected to Congress. It matters. We do not have the luxury of concentrating on a particular issue in a vacuum.

Currently the mainstream media is a poor source of information. Our election is within 54 days of the date of this post. This election is an important spoke that will have an effect on partial resolutions of many of the world’s ills. We must continue to learn why we must make the proper choice. Context however is everything. We must include context however that ensures the big issues above remain in our view and ensure that our politicians know they will be engaged on them.

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