My friend sent me the offensive photo here along with the Facebook name of the woman who this occurred to. She was adamant that I contact this woman. She told me in no uncertain terms that we simply should not let this incident go without as massive a coverage as we can provide.
I contacted the woman to get more information. Following is the response I got from her.
I live in a fairly nice neighborhood in McKinney Texas, where we pay through the nose for HOA dues. My next door neighbor rang my doorbell this morning and showed me my sign, which he had kindly removed from the ground. We have at least 4 African American families living on this street. I’m so offended, not just because whoever did this is ignorant and misinformed and trespassed and vandalized my sign, but infinitely more for my neighbors who might have driven by and seen it.
Thanks for blogging about it. I’m doing the same.
I then contacted her about sending me the original picture without the offensive word blocked out. I think the constant political correctness of talking about the N-word as opposed to the word NIGG$R as if we are children make us deal with these issues like high school children.
I also asked her for personal information she was willing to divulge about herself publicly. Following is the uncensored photograph.
Cassy is a 34 year old white business owner. Her husband is a financial analyst that works in corporate finance. I asked her why she supported President Obama and she said:
I support the President because he believes in all people, he prefers diplomacy to bombs, and he is part of the party of inclusion, not exclusion. I support him because he believes that food and medicine for our kids shouldn’t be put on the table for cuts before tax breaks for big corporations. I support him because he supports my right to determine what I do with my body and what my daughter someday chooses to do with hers.
I also keep a blog at Blue Chick in a Red Barn. I’ve written two blog posts about why I’m voting blue (supporting the president) this year.
- Inasmuch as I was saddened by this type of racism in 2012, I understand that America is changing extremely fast. Hateful racist of all races are becoming the new minority and they are lashing out. We must expose them to the light as well as engage them firstly to give them the opportunity to join a society where we all are happy to coexist. Absent that, we just ensure that they are labeled with the scarlet letter for all to see.