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Mitt Romney Anti-Teacher Stance Is A Danger To America’s Education

This story is one I am very passionate about.You see, I personally believe teaching is the absolute most important profession bar none.

Teachers are the folks that are responsible for dispersing the collective knowledge of society to the next generation. Every single professional, trades person, etc. ultimately owes their success to a teacher, whether in a classroom, a trade school, or even at a company.

The systematic attack on teachers and their unions by Republicans is intended yet again to pilfer the middle class by attempting to extract knowledge out of a group at minimal cost and with little job security. Just like Republicans because of their ideology is decimating education in Texas, a Mitt Romney presidency would codify this at national level.

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Romney to Teacher: ‘I Didn’t Ask You a Question’

By Diane Sweet  September 23, 2012 07:08 AM

Cheryl, a teacher from Colorado, was asked to participate in a roundtable with Mitt Romney. In this video she shares her impression after talking with him and how her views on education are different than Mitt Romney’s:

When I was asked to speak with Mitt Romney, it seemed like a very important thing to me, and I wanted to put a lot of careful thought into what I would say. So I went to the roundtable discussion very optimistic and interested in hearing what he had to say.

When he sat down, one of the first questions he asked was "I understand there is a teacher here today, which one of you is a teacher?"

I raised my hand, thinking that’s a good thing, he’s interested in education. But it wasn’t a good thing. I felt like his view was a little old-fashioned, and I was surprised by it. He went on to kind of lecture me about schools and how bad they are. He talked bad about the teacher’s union. He was talking about the importance of private schools and voucher systems.

At one point, I said to him, "I have an answer for that." And he said, "I didn’t ask you a question."

As usual, Mitt Romney only wants to hear himself speak. He doesn’t even attempt to keep his contempt for the working class hidden behind closed doors, dismissing Cheryl as if she is his hired help and not allowed to speak until told to do so.

Anyone else wondering if Romney is deliberately trying to lose this election?

Romney to Teacher: ‘I Didn’t Ask You a Question’ | Occupy America

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