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Jon Stewart dissects the reasons why Mitt Romney nose diving in poll. Proof Americans are listening.

If times were not so serious I would be laughing even harder at this video by one of my favorite political satirists. Mitt Romney is hitting the wall because when ideology meets reality and they do not compute it is tantamount to having a piece of computer software full of bugs; results are erratic, unpredictable, and never good.

Jon Stewart shows that Mitt Romney is simply not a serious man. He shows in a very funny manner what coreless means.

Mitt Romney’s called for a mandates to purchase health insurances based on conservative values to ultimately prevent freeloaders from using emergency rooms while we all pay for it. He then disavowed that when campaigning to repeal Obamacare. Of course the biggest gaffe was on 60 Minutes when he said those without insurance after repeal could use the emergency room, the most expensive for of healthcare and something he called socialism in the past.

Stewart also shows in effect Romney has no economic policy. He also shows that inasmuch as Romney has been bashing redistribution as stated by the president, he actually proved a “distributionist”  in his 60 Minute interview as well.

Watch the video. It is funny but the underlying core message is very serious. It shows why Mitt Romney is not fit to be President of the United States.

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