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Being A Businessperson Is Not Disqualifying For The Presidency–A Lack Of Empathy Is (VIDEO)

Being a businessperson is a good thing. Many of us own companies. Making money is a good thing. Mitt Romney has made a lot of it. Many of us in the software business sometimes have made a lot during good years and very little (like now) in bad years. The thing is there are two types of business people, those that earned their money by creating something of value and then those that produce nothing but because of the capital they already have or can acquire, they go into already created entities, manipulate them, and then extract wealth.

Those of us that have really created something of value and monetized it generally have a rightful disdain for those who use a flawed economic system to profit from the innovations of others more so than the innovator. It is for this reason there is a difficulty for many to accept what Mitt Romney did as head of Bain Capital.

When a businessperson is not a part of the development process of a product or service that person has more difficulty in empathizing with the creators (job creators) and company that developed and nurtured these products. A business person that has intrinsic human values generally has the ability to look at the totality of an investment and balance the humanness with the business.

When you listen to the video of Mitt Romney below describing what Bain Capital does and understand the context in which he uses the word “harvesting”, it should plant a seed in one’s mind to his thinking modal. When one examines his phraseology of the past and of the present while un-coached, he reveals his heart. When one examines the few finances that can be examined, he reveals his loyalties.

One must not allow those that would attempt to temper truth because truth may not be as antiseptic or as civil because of the inherent nature of said truth to corrupt our body politic.. Doing so is a disservice to us all and has life effecting implications. When examining who you want as your president, it is imperative that truth on one’s policies and truth on one’s character is examined completely unhindered.

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NEW ROMNEY VIDEO: In 1985, He Said Bain Would "Harvest" Companies for Profits

This clip shows the young CEO focusing on businesses as targets for his investors, not as job creators or community stakeholders.

—By David Corn | Thu Sep. 27, 2012 3:00 AM PDT

Campaigning for the presidency, Mitt Romney has pointed to his stint as the founder and manager of Bain Capital, a private equity firm, as proof he can rev up the US economy and create jobs at a faster clip than President Barack Obama. Last year, while stumping in Florida, Romney declared, "You’d have a president who has spent his life in business—small business, big business—and who knows something about how jobs are created and how we compete around the world." His campaign spokeswoman, Andrea Saul, has said that Romney’s Bain days afford him more expertise than Obama to "focus on job creation and turn around our nation’s faltering economy." Romney has even claimed that during his tenure at Bain, "we were able to help create over 100,000 jobs." In his acceptance speech at the Republican convention, Romney smacked Obama for having "almost no experience working in a business" and tied that to the sluggish recovery.


NEW ROMNEY VIDEO: In 1985, He Said Bain Would "Harvest" Companies for Profits | Mother Jones

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