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Shocking!! Romney’s Bain Selling Out American Workers to China (VIDEO)

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imageMitt Romney wants people to believe that he doesn’t know anything about benefiting from shipping good, American jobs overseas. And he tries to distance himself from Bain Capital, a pioneer of outsourcing where Romney made a fortune as CEO.

But our new video exposes the truth. Watch it and then share it with everyone you know.

Our own USW sisters and brothers have had their plants bought by Bain and their jobs slashed.  And right now, in Freeport, Ill., some 170 workers at an auto sensor plant are sleeping in tents to protest Bain-owned Sensata Technology’s decision to ship their jobs to China. You can follow the workers’ story at like Tom Gaulrapp, who says the

Sensata made them take down the American flag when they were forced to train their Chinese replacement workers. And like Mary Jo Kerr, a young mom of three who is heartbroken because she can’t afford dance lessons for her daughter. And Dot Turner, so close to retirement, who will get just 26 weeks’ severance for 43 years of work in the plant.

Romney claims he knows nothing about this. But the New York Times explains: “[Mitt Romney] owns about $8 million worth of Bain funds that hold 51 percent of Sensata’s shares.  If Sensata saves money by closing the Freeport plant, that could add money to Mr. Romney’s trust accounts, now or after the election.”

Shipping good jobs overseas. Taking down the American flag. Devastating American families. Is Mitt Romney’s Bain ashamed of America?

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