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What’s At Stake For Seniors–Know The Facts Before You Vote

With Medicare’s open enrollment season kicking off today and news about next year’s Social Security COLA, issues big and small about their health and financial security will be on the minds of seniors across the country — including the votes they’ll cast this election. Here’s what’s at stake.

Medicare and Social Security guarantee our security in retirement — unless we let politicians privatize and cut them.

Social Security and Medicare belong to all of us: we worked for them, paid into them, and earned them. Social Security and Medicare guarantee our security in retirement — unless we let politicians cut and privatize them.

Contrary to what Republican politicians say, our Social Security system doesn’t add a penny to the deficit. Obamacare guarantees our Medicare coverage for life and adds almost a decade to the Medicare trust fund.

Here’s the real threat to our retirement that Romney & Ryan are trying to hide: their agenda to completely privatize Medicare and Social Security, so insurance companies and Wall Street can make billions off our retirement. Who should you trust on these issues? The Democratic party that created Social Security and Medicare and fought to protect them every step along the way — or Republican politicians who want to privatize them?


ATTACK: "Social Security is going broke."

ATTACK: "Romney is committed to saving Social Security."

ATTACK: "Romney wants to save Medicare."




Average Social Security earnings are actually modest at about only $14,000 per year, which still provides two-thirds of income for a typical senior and more than 90% of the income for a third of seniors. In fact, without Social Security, nearly half of elderly Americans would live below the official poverty level.

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