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Lena Dunham: “Your First Time” Driving Right Wing Crazy Because it’s Effective @LenaDunham

This is the ad that is driving the Right Wing crazy. They are going crazy because the ad is effective for bringing young women back home.

After-all Mitt Romney has been effective in being the best chameleon known to politics. He was able to convince women he would not mess with their reproductive rights even though he has not changed his changed positions on most women’s reproductive issues. He simply masks them.

By picking Paul Ryan and supporting Indiana Senatorial Candidate Richard Mourdock he shows he is in lock step with the Taliban natured Tea Party element of the Right Wing. If elected he will sign bills to defund Planned Parenthood, appoint Supreme Court Justices to overturn legal abortions, curtail contraception, and define that life begins at conception and as such hurt much of what women have been fighting for for decades.

Folks, your vote counts and it is important that you vote correctly.

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