I was the guest on the show Polar Effect hosted by Herman Garcia discussing Move To Amend. We touched on many subjects.
Mr. Garcia is a manager at a major corporation as well as the manager of three bands in the Houston area. When he asked me how Move To Amend is going to get its message out I told him that he was an integral part by providing a venue to make his sphere of influence, the heavy metal domain, aware of a movement that every one in the country should be aware of.
CJ Heinemann co-hosted the show and provided quite a bit of insight into Americas body politic from her own eyes. She explained that she was very politically unaware until recently. Travelling the country and living in her car for 6 months gave her a new perspective on politics and the reasons why we must be engaged.
All in all it was a very satisfying experience spreading Move to Amend to a new sphere in our local community.
Please sign the Move To Amend Petition HERE and help us make a better country.