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Coffee Party Board Meeting in Washington DC Redefining & Reiterating Local & National Goals

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The Coffee Party USA is currently meeting in Washington DC. In attendance are Board President Eric Byler, Board Vice President and Campaigns & Action Director Egberto Willies, Secretary and Director John Cashon, Treasurer and Director Jeanene Louden, Internet Infrastructure Director, Development Director Cameron Kruger, Pathways to Participation Director DeLann Williams, At-Large Director Dan Aranson, and At-Large Director Michael Charney.

Board members got into an impromptu discussions on goals as well as on the nation ills on Thursday as different members arrived at staggered times. Internet Infrastructure, local chapter engagements and other issues were discussed in an informal manner.

This morning as the meeting progresses, the Mission Statements is been enhanced to reflect what has been done and many larger issues Coffee Party will be engaged in.


We completed the afternoon of the first day coming up with seven major goals to ensure Coffee Party’s mission continues. After dinner past director Frank Kirkwood drove in from Pennsylvania to describe Coffee Party’s 535 campaign to the board of directors.

Later that afternoon Coffee Party founder Annabel Park visited with the board with some of her ideas.

Come back as we continue to update.

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