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Radio: Move to Amend Reports w/Laura Bonham & Egberto Willies – Thurs 7:00 PM

Move To Amend

Move To AmendThursday 7:00 PM Central

Call and listen at 646-652-2345

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Move to Amend Reports hosted by National Leadership Team members Laura Bonham and Egberto Willies, will air every Thursday at 8:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM PT.

The show will feature guests who specialize in movement building, amending the Constitution, grassroots organizing, and issues relating to corporate rule and participatory democracy.

Each show provides opportunity for call-in questions and comments from the listening audience by dialing 646-652-2345 (long distance charges may apply).

Today’s Show:
March 28th: Katie Redford, co-founder and director of EarthRights International She is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law, where she received the Robert F. Kennedy Award for Human Rights and Public Service. She is a member of the Massachusetts State Bar and served as counsel to plaintiffs in ERI’s landmark case Doe v. Unocal. Katie received an Echoing Green Fellowship in 1995 to establish ERI, and since that time has split her time between ERI’s Thailand and US offices. In addition to working on ERI’s litigation and teaching at the EarthRights Schools, Katie serves as an adjunct professor of law at both UVA and the Washington College of Law at American University, and also on the Boards of the Bank Information Center (BIC), the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), and Oil Change International. She has published on various issues associated with human rights and corporate accountability. In 2006, she was selected as an Ashoka Global Fellow. Katie has been profiled in the books Be Bold and Your America: Democracy’s Local Heroes, and the award-winning documentary film Total Denial.

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