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Battleground Texas: Houston, setting the bar for grassroots organizing


Houston is setting the pace that the rest of the state is sure to follow. Under the leadership of Senior Organizer Adrienne Bell, the seven county metropolitan area under her domain will likely turn solid blue by the 2014 election.

Of course this is only possible if everyone gets on board early and gets Democrats, Independents, and apolitical persons registered.


Houston, setting the bar for grassroots organizing

By Adrienne Bell, Senior Organizer

Battleground Texas HoustonDuring the past six weeks, over 250 people have been deputized in Harris, Brazoria, and Galveston counties.

These amazing numbers reflect the excitement in our area to expand the electorate and engage more residents in the electoral process.

When I talk to volunteers who have been trained to register new voters, they are excited that Battleground Texas has arrived and is organizing in their community and that the focus will be placed not only registering voters, but also in turning out the vote.

I’m fired up every time I hear a new volunteer asking, “when and where do I get deputized?” and “when do I get to register voters?” 

Check out these pictures of volunteers all around the Houston area participating in Battleground Texas events.

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