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Watch Chaplain Lying About Obamacare Obliterated On The Ed Show (VIDEO)


The snippet below must leave the head of every real Christian that lives by the tenets laid out by Jesus Christ spinning. It is understandable that many in the healthcare business would pay consultants to lie. It is even understandable that moneyed interest would cause a political party or some politicians to lie to their constituencies especially if they know their constituents are low information consumers or Fox News consumers.

The debate below is very telling. All the information that came out of the chaplain’s mouth were provable lies, not only misinformation, but lies. The actual video follows the transcript.

Ed Schultz: The Christian faith is very clear, feed the poor, and heal the sick. Is it really Christ like to take healthcare away from Americans that should have healthcare that could save their lives? …

Chaplain Klingenschmitt: Obamacare takes healthcare away from, a half a billion dollars was taken away from old people, from Medicare to fund basically a slew of people who refuse to get jobs. …

John Fugelsang: You know Jesus never asked a leper for copay. And in Matthew 10:7-8 commands his followers to heal the sick. Now every option of healthcare on the exchange allows for a woman to choose a provider that will only allow abortion in cases of rape or incest. Where the chaplain is being disingenuous is that the only time that this will ever pay for an abortion is in the case of rape or incest or if you believe as the chaplain does that contraception is the same as abortion. So I’d like to ask the chaplain if I could, Jesus never at any point in the gospels condemns abortion even though people were terminating pregnancies at the time. He does however come out quite frequently against killing the sinner through the death penalty. So have you sir ever once protested your tax dollars being taken to fund state sanctioned killing. …

Chaplain Klingenschmitt: Jesus said in Mark 15 that if anyone disobeys or dishonors his mother or father he should be put to death. Jesus said in Luke 17.

John Fugelsang: No sir. He did not say that. He is quoting Leviticus. He is throwing that back in the face of the Pharisees. Some of us know that story sir

What is completely shocking is the degree to which the evangelical Christian clergy is willing to lie openly about the tenets of the Affordable Care Act; Obamacare It is as if they decided to put several commandments on hold since their unholy alliance with the Right Wing of the Republican Party. They have put the 2nd commandment, the 5th commandment, the 6th commandment, the 8th commandment, and the 9th commandment on hold.

Worshiping the absolute tenets of an unfettered capitalist market over human needs and values is tantamount to bringing false idols before God (2nd Commandment). Support for draconian social security and other inhumane cuts that affect the elderly is tantamount to not honoring all that one’s father and mother have contributed and have been to the society (5th Commandment).

Support for the death penalty, state sanctioned murder of an actual human being is tantamount to killing (6th Commandment). Support for policies that transfer wealth from hard working middle class Americans via support for the corporate interest over humanity is tantamount to stealing (8th Commandment), Knowingly lying about the Affordable Care Act and the many other policies beneficial to the vast majority of Americans is tantamount to bearing false witness (9th Commandment).

The actions and behavior of many of today’s evangelical clergy make the Pharisees appear to be angels. Sadly these corrupt clergies are using their positions of power and influence to mislead a large swath of otherwise good Christian Americans. If there is a hell their room is already bought and paid for with their nameplate on the door.

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