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Obama: Even If You Didn’t Vote For Me You’re Gonna Want Obamacare (VIDEO)

Obama on Obamacare

Obama selling Obamacare

A very confident President Obama came out swinging today. He took no prisoners. It is the Obama many have been waiting for. It seems he is no longer going to play nice in the attempt to have Republicans work with him on the debt ceiling, the budget, or Obamacare. He understands they simply want him to fail even if it takes down American citizens and the economy.

The benefits of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) speak for themselves. It will be obvious very soon that the Obamacare realities were allowed to be misrepresented and lied about by a corrupt Republican Party using the traditional media as its conduit.

The President warned young people about listening to the Koch brother’s ad advising them not to buy insurance. Krystal Ball did a great piece on the evil nature of this advice. Specifically he said,

Some of the Tea Party biggest donors, some of the wealthiest men in America are funding a cynical ad campaign to convince young people not to buy healthcare at all. .. Now do you think if you get sick or you get hurt and you get stuck with a massive bill these same folks are gonna help you out?

He received a resounding ‘no’ from the audience.

The President gave one of his most complete explanations of how the Affordable Care Act process works. Specifically the President admonished folks to disregard naysayers and Fox News. He asked citizens to visit the website which will direct them to their state specific site and make up their own minds. He is so confident about Obamacare that he said,

Don’t Take my word for it. Go on the website. See for yourself what the prices are. See for yourself what the choices are. Then make up your own mind. That’s all I am asking. Make up your own mind. I promise you if you go on the website, and it turns out you are gonna save, a hundred, two hundred, three hundred dollars a month on your insurance, or you will be able to buy insurance for the first time, even if you didn’t vote for me I bet you will sign up for that health care plan. … So you don’t need to listen to the politicians. You don’t need to listen to me. Just go check it out for yourself. Make up your own mind.

The President told the audience he needed them to engage in the education process. He needed them to spread the word and their own experiences. The President is always playing the long game. Many accused him of not selling Obamacare with enough zeal. The reality is he has continuously told Americans about the improvements in their policies that are generally not felt unless one is the immediate victim of their insurance’s evil deeds.

With the health exchanges coming on board next week the President has something tangible to promote with unmitigated zeal. What is ironic is the outcome now will have a duality that is great for the president and potentially catastrophic for the Republicans. Republicans with the help of the traditional media have been allowed to lie and misinform Americans about the new law. When America sees the Obamacare reality, Republicans will lose their credibility even as the law gains popularity. While Right Wing fanatics will not be convinced even at their own detriment, sane citizens will.

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