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Elizabeth Warren Two Minute Message For A Democratic Win (VIDEO)

Senator Elizabeth Warren Middle Class

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was a guest on All In With Chris Hayes today. In the approximately two minutes that she spoke, Elizabeth Warren articulated the Democratic message. She articulated the message that should be on the tips of every Democrat’s tongue.

Elizabeth Warren’s bill gives the unemployed a better chance for employment.

Elizabeth Warren was on the show to talk about her new bill. Her new bill, the Equal Employment for All Act would prevent employers from discriminating against Americans with poor credit ratings. Warren successfully made the argument that employers checking credit ratings of potential employees disproportionately affect the poor and the middle class. Moreover, it further damages potential employee credit as they are unemployed for a longer time or may have to settle for low wage jobs.

Chris Hayes could not have Elizabeth Warren on his show and without pivoting to her populist propensity. He asked her if there is an Elizabeth Warren wing of the party that she leads. She humbly dismisses the personalization of the Liberal wing of the Democratic Party. “This isn’t about me,” she said. “This is about the issues about what’s happening to America’s families.”

Elizabeth Warren on the middle class: “Parts of it are beginning to break apart.”

Elizabeth Warren went on to say that America’s hardworking families have been hammered on for a generation (i.e., the results of supply side economics). She then enumerated the specific issues they are dealing with, declining wages, core expenses, housing, healthcare, daycare, college. She then ties it to how the middle class has coped so far. Everyone in the household had to work. When that was not enough, they got into debt. And for that debt, they were exploited by a predatory credit industry that made huge profits on their backs. She said no longer can a parent tell their kids they would be better off.

Chris Hayes chimed in on a sad fact. The middle class decline occurred under both Democratic and Republican rule. This can be attributed to a Democratic party that for all practical purposes kept supply side economics in effect. Hayes asked if Democrats had done enough. Elizabeth Warren demonstrated she knows the political game. She did not address Democratic past middle class failures. She instead said Democrats must be forward looking and fight for the middle class.

Elizabeth Warren knows it is all about the fight.

The fight that Elizabeth Warren is begging for is what Americans are yearning for. A few weeks ago I wrote the following.

Progressive politicians must not cower to the onslaught. Instead, they must go on the offensive. Progressive politicians are the ones solving and attempting to solve what ails the poor and working middle class. Republicans do not have any answers or solutions that they can point to over the last several decades that helped the poor or working middle class.

Americans however must see unwavering strength and conviction by progressives supporting progressive policies. Americans must be made to believe it’s not temporary. Americans must look at progressives and feel in their souls that they have someone that will fight for them. They must know that progressives will not cower or bend at the first sign of resistance. (e.g., a poorly functioning should not have sent progressives into a panic. Instead they should have put their heads together to modify strategies.)

Within Elizabeth Warren resides the fight Americans yearn for. It is the fight every Progressive politician must exude. It is really the path to victory that will ultimately save the poor and the working middle class.

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