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McDonald’s To Employees: Get Food Stamps, Medicaid, SNAP (VIDEO)

McDonald's Employees Food Stamps Medicaid SNAP

McDonald’s Subsidized By Taxpayers

This is Capitalism at its best (worst). McDonald’s does it well. If one wonders why there are many fast food workers protesting now for a minimum wage increase, this is it. If someone works hard everyday, they should be able to take care of themselves. They deserve a living wage.

McDonald’s does not see it that way. As far as they are concerned, it is the job of the government to subsidize their employees’ wages to allow them to have a subsistence level of living.

Many balk when these statements are made. However, the call below is probative. To be sure, the nice sounding lady on the other side of the call is simply doing her job. She is just caught up in the systemic failure of America to force companies to pay a living wage.

For those who believe paying a living wage will increase the cost of their fast food, wake up. Every time a McDonald’s worker gets food stamps, SNAP, or Medicaid, you  pay. It is not in the cost of the burger. It is in your taxes. It is more honest if that cost is reflected where incurred, that fast food joint.

Here is how Laura Clawson at DailyKOS wrote reported it.

Chicago McDonald’s worker Nancy Salgado—a single mother, 10-year McDonald’s employee making the state minimum wage of $8.25, and activist who has twice joined one-day strikes for higher wages—called the “McResources” 1-800 number:

The McResources staffer offers her a number to “ask about things like food pantries” and tells her she “would most likely be eligible for SNAP benefits” which she explains are “food stamps.” After Salgado asks about “the doctor,” the staffer asks, “Did you try to get on Medicaid?” She notes it’s “health coverage for low income or no income adults and children.” […]

In the full, fifteen-minute audio, which was provided to Salon by the campaign, the McResources counselor can also be heard telling Salgado she “definitely should be able to qualify for both food stamps and heating assistance.” She tells Salgado that having food stamps “takes a lot of the pressure off how much money you spend on groceries.” She also tells Salgado she may possibly qualify for Medicaid, though “I wouldn’t want to get your hopes up.”

McDonald’s answer to living on $8.25 an hour: food stamps. Also heating assistance. And maybe Medicaid.

(h/t Laura Clawson for DailyKos)

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