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Jon Stewart Knocks Fox News On Climate Change – Global Warming (VIDEO)

Climate Change Jon Stewart Fox News

Jon Stewart hits the mark again. He makes fun of the silly remarks about climate change.

Jon Stewart starts, “There you have it: ‘War on Christmas’ is over; ‘war on carbon’ begins. Global warming: Just one more liberal conspiracy. Because even though there is a great deal of scientific data establishing climate change trends. Even though many of the models of global warming predict more extremes of weather, not just warming, apparently decades of peer-reviewed scientific study can be, like a ficus plant, destroyed in one cold weekend.”

Jon Stewart illustrates the lack of intellectual depth of Fox News Climate Change deniers.

Jon Stewart specifically keys in on Fox News talking heads laying out their opinion about climate change as news. In one funny sequence Dan Weiss of the Center For American progress asked who would one listen to 3 scientists that oppose the view that climate change exist or the 97 that says it does. The Fox News talking head response implied the 97% of scientists that agrees there is climate change are paid.

The final skit puts it all into context. Jessica Williams appears with a gaping wound on her head. When Jon Stewart asked her about it she says some doctor confirmed the wound. She refuse to believe the wound because the doctors get paid for every would they patch up. Her ‘friend’ told her she was fine. Who is her friend? A very rich man named Trump.

The parody is exquisite. It is pretty darn close to real. The analogy is perfect. Fox News viewers choose to be willfully uninformed. Unfortunately most of the country including the Fox News viewers suffer from said gullibility.

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