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LA Voter Warning for Sen Mary Landrieu: I Don’t Vote For Black People… They Got Their Place (AUDIO)

 Mary Landrieu Obamacare

You read that headline correctly. That statement was made by Lafourche Parish resident Beau Broussard to NPR reporter Ailsa Chang. This statement was made in 2014. Are we not post racial yet?

Ailsa Chang reports that Beau Broussard has problems with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).He like many in the South have bought into the fallacies that Obamacare costs many jobs. They have also bought into the mandate being wrong for forcing one to purchase healthcare insurance. Of course most Americans are ‘forced’ to pay taxes, auto insurance, and bills for those that are uninsured and much more.

What bothered Beau Broussard the most is that the law was the signature achievement of President Barack Obama. He did not vote for the president because of a simple reason. Broussard said the following.

I don’t vote for black people, lady. No, ma’am. I don’t vote for black people. They got their place, I got my place. That’s the way I was raised.

Ms. Chang challenged Broussard suggesting that he is reflecting his dislike for the president onto not voting for Senator Mary Landrieu. Broussard admitted that Mary Landrieu’s Obamacare vote will cost her his vote even though he acknowledges she does a whole lot for the people of Louisiana.

It is ironic that while many Louisiana residents like Mr. Brossard rail against Obamacare, it has already reduced the uninsured rate in the state. It would seem that the citizens of Louisiana should be taking their wrath out on Governor Bobby Jindal instead of Mary Landrieu. The governor is borrowing money to pay for healthcare by forfeiting the money he would have gotten from the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

What makes this act obscene and fiscally irresponsible is that Louisiana taxpayers will be paying taxes for the Medicaid expansion yet their state will receive no taxes for said benefits. The first three year of the Medicaid expansion costs the state nothing. Thereafter the Federal Government picks up 90% of the cost. The governor with this act stiffs the taxpayers twice. Guess who also pays the interests on the loan/bonds.

Inasmuch as Mr. Broussard comes across as a racist, it is evident from the tone of the conversation that he is a person that can be dialogued with. Absent racial triggers and other wedge triggers these people could be convinced to do what is best for their families, state, and country. Unfortunately the puppets of our plutocracy, many politicians, will attempt to get their will by any means necessary. If this does not change, the America we hoped and dreamed for will be the unattainable America.

Senator Mary Landrieu loses constituent’s vote over Obamacare

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