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Wendy Davis Visits Ripley House in Houston Texas Touting Pre-K As She Hits Greg Abbott’s Failures

Wendy Davis Pre-K Ripley House Houston Texas

Wendy Davis visited Ripley House in Houston Texas. The rally was very well attended. Several hundred people cheered Wendy Davis on as she presented her education tenets.

Wendy Davis  Pre-KWendy Davis was touting her support for Pre-K. She also spent some time scolding Greg Abbott for paying women in his office less than men. She accused him of using Charles Murray, a man who believes women are inferior to men as an education adviser.

Charles Murray is the author of the racist book “The Bell Curve” which argued that African Americans were less intelligent than White Americans because of genetics. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists Charles Murray as a “White Nationalist”. Murray also claims that “men have larger brains than women” and that “no woman has been a significant original thinker in any of the world’s great philosophical traditions.”

Since the release of Abbott’s “education plan,” many have been critical about it.

Wendy Davis’ full prepared remarks on Pre-K Education

Sen. Wendy R. Davis
Houston Press Conference
Monday, April 7, 2014

I was in Austin a few weeks ago – where I stood on a stage much like this one to call out my opponent, Greg Abbott -telling him to act like a Texan.

We had just learned that he has been paying women less than men in his office for doing the same work – even though many of those women have more experience than their male coworkers.

And instead of speaking for himself and giving us an explanation – he hid behind surrogates and staff members.

You know the ones.  The woman from the Republican Political Action Committee that said women are “too busy” to fight for equal pay.

And the executive director of the Texas Republican Party – also a woman – who said that the pay gap was a result of men being better negotiators than women.

So I came to a podium much like this one – and told Greg Abbott that this Texas gal was calling him out.

That he needed to act like a Texan and speak for himself about equal pay.

For those of you keeping track – he hasn’t yet.

Then last week – after months of promises – Greg Abbott finally made a feeble attempt to release an education plan of his own.

But it would have been better if he had just kept quiet.

I’m a big believer in pre-Kindergarten.

Studies show it boosts math and reading scores.
It improves critical skills like concentration, teamwork and long term planning.

And it’s important for building Texas’ 21st economy with the jobs of tomorrow.

The Pew Charitable Trust says the ratio of return for every dollar invested in our four year olds is up to $16.

James Heckman – a Nobel economist – says that by age 65 the return is between $60 and $300.

Pre-K works.

And full day pre-K works better than half day pre-K, producing better and longer term benefits when it comes to child development and ultimately in life achievement.

We should be fighting to ensure ALL Texas children have access to quality, full day pre-Kindergarten.

So why in the world is Greg Abbott picking and choosing which children get access to a quality early education – and which children do not?

Under his proposal, some children in some school districts get some support for pre-K.

Others do not.

Under his proposal, some children in some schools districts get somewhat of fair shot at a good start

Others do not.

But that’s not even the half of it.

How does Greg Abbott pick and choose which kids and which school districts get some of his support for pre-K?

More standardized testing – this time for four year olds.

That’s right.  At a time when parents and teachers are calling out for relief from the burden of over testing … Greg Abbott calls for more.

Subjecting four year olds to another intrusive, state mandated requirement.

And if they don’t pass the mark – they get the rug pulled out from under them.

So, once again this Texas gal is standing on a stage with a message for Greg Abbott

Stop picking and choosing which four year olds get a quality education and a fair shot.

Act like a Texan and stop picking on those who are too vulnerable to fight back.

That’s not Texas leadership.

ALL Texas children deserve a quality education.

But what do you expect from someone who calls the expansion of pre-K for all Texas children a – quote – “waste”?
From someone who doesn’t believe that expanding opportunity for ALL Texas kids is worth the effort.

And what do you expect from someone who includes the ideas of a fringe thinker named Charles Murray in his plan?

A man famous for saying, and I quote directly here, “men have larger brains than women.”

And in an article titled “Where are the Female Einsteins?” claims that “no woman has been a significant original thinker in any of the world’s great philosophical traditions.”

With more than half of Texas student people being female, Texans need to know that the inspiration for Greg Abbott’s education plan comes from a man who degrades more than half our students.

Therefore it’s no wonder Abbott’s plan doesn’t reflect a basic Texas value: all Texas children deserve a fair shot no matter where they start in life.

That if you work hard … study hard … never quit … then YOU determine how far you can go … Not the circumstances you were born into. 
Not what race you are.

Not what gender you are.
And not whether Greg Abbott deems you are worth fighting for.

No child. No child. No child’s education is a “waste”, Greg Abbott!
ALL children deserve a fighting chance!
That’s what this election is all about.

We cannot afford another insider like Greg Abbott who is just not working for you.

Who thinks that politics as usual will take us where we need to be in the future.

Who believes it’s a good idea to impose outdated, backward thinking standardized tests onto four year olds so that he can pick and choose which of our kids deserve a shot a good education.  Well, Texas voters have some picking and choosing of their own to do this fall.

I will be a governor who proudly fights for ALL hardworking Texans.Who will work each and every day to ensure ALL Texas children have access to a 21st century education that will help build a 21st century economy with the jobs of tomorrow.

So, my questions for you today are these: 
Are you with me?!
Are our all of our children worth fighting for?
Is the education of our children a “waste”?
Then join with me! Fight with me!  Win with me!

And let’s keep Texas in the lead!

Thank you.
God bless you.
God bless Texas.

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