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Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right- Why Is The Economy Better Under Democrats? Sat 12-1PM CST

Politics Done Right,KPFT,90.1 FM,Egberto Willies,Coffee Party,pdr

Politics Done Right
Egberto Willies

Saturday 12:00 Noon Central

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Politics Done Right,KPFT,90.1 FM,Egberto Willies,Obamacare,Koch

This week’s show

Why Is The Economy Better Under Democrats?

A few weeks ago Chuck Todd interviewed a Princeton economist who did some research on economic performance based on the president in office. Something many new empirically became obvious. Specifically, the economy does substantially better under Democratic Presidents than under Republican Presidents irrespective of which party holds Congress.

When I watched the interview I was perplexed. Inasmuch as the empirical evidence was irrefutable, both Chuck Todd and the Princeton economists attempted to waiver in their conclusions. From a scientific perspective one wants to eliminate the possibility that this is just a random set of events.

I recorded the interview but did nothing with it because I wanted to read the entire long report. I wanted to see if there was a reason for the professor’s apprehension. Why could he not simply make the blanket statement that in fact because of certain ideological realities, an economy like the US does better with a Democrat at the helm?

After reading the report one had to be upset with the economist’s apprehension. This man went through hoops to not introduce partisanship. In the process he hurts his credibility and his very thorough research. One cannot help but ask if he felt he had to take this stance to avoid ‘repercussions.’

Today I want to discuss the report. The topic on Monday’s Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM will be why it is essential that news get crowd sourced. I will have four bloggers as panelists discussing why it is imperative to make the current traditional news media irrelevant. The reporting of the Princeton economists’ report is probative.

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