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Bill Maher – The GOP has become Talk Radio

Bill Maher

There is not much that needs to be added to this Bill Maher snippet. It stands on its own.

Bill Maher Transcript of Saturday’s New Rule snippet

Last week brought the news that powerful Republican Congressman Mike Rogers was leaving the House to join an already long list of conservative radio hosts that includes Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, Monica Crowley, Dennis Prager, Herman Cain, I could go on.

But who could blame you for thinking, “Geez, aren’t there enough right-wing radio hosts as it is?”  No.  Never.  There are never enough!  Why?  Because the Tea Party always has room for one more voice in their heads.

Now politicians have left elected office for TV and radio before, but it says a lot about Congress that someone as powerful as Mike Rogers is doing it.  He’s the head of the House Intelligence Committee.  And he said about leaving his post, “Yes, it is an important position, but I think I’d like to try and move the needle on the debate.”

Yeah right, because if there’s one job where you can never effect policy, it’s in the branch of government that writes policy.  The place for that is AM radio.  Because why continue in the proud tradition of Daniel Webster and Henry Clay, when you can follow in the footsteps of Bubba the Love Sponge?

It actually makes perfect sense because the GOP has kind of become talk radio — an echo chamber where people are not interested in actually legislating or compromising or fixing America, just in screeching about how liberals have ruined it.  So why not do it on the radio?  The money’s better, and no one can see your toupeé.

And if your show’s a hit, you get to put out one of those conservative books where you fold your arms on the cover.

Like you’re trying to block a Mexican from coming over the border.

Truth is, there’s never been a better time to quit government, and go into the lucrative business of bitching about government.  It worked for Joe Scarborough, and Mike Huckabee, and most famously of course, Sarah Palin.  The one night stand of Alaska governors.  When Sarah announced she was resigning as governor, she said:

It may be tempting to just keep your head down and plod along… but that’s a quitter’s way out.
Yes, only by quitting was she not quitting.  You see, Sarah realized she could have a greater effect on influencing stupidity from outside of government.  And pledged to work to elect people just like her.  Just not her.

The fact is, today’s Republicans aren’t built to governing.  They don’t want to go to the Moon, they want to howl at it.  That’s why just the fact of getting elected means you’re already damaged goods.  Unless you go to Washington and act like the single biggest prick in the room every time, you’re suspect.  Which is why there’s really only one man currently in government who the base completely trusts.  I’m talking, of course, about Ted Cruz.

He’s the guy who best understands that high office is just a higher form of talk radio.  Every other Republican is suspect in some way.  Rick Perry told them they should have a heart.  Eww.  Mitch McConnell holds a gun like a girl.  And Marco Rubio is pretty soft on Mexicans for an Italian. John McCain is against torture, and he was tortured, flip-flopper!  (audience laughter)  Chris Christie actually touched Obama during Hurricane Sandy, when he should have lured him to the Pine Barrens and hit him with a shovel. And Michele Bachmann compromised on gays by marrying her husband.

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