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Jon Stewart epic Sean Hannity takedown. Truth recovered. (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart Sean Hannity The Arbys of News

(Most important snippets of Jon Stewart piece in one video. (Originals here and here)

This was one of the most epic takedowns of Sean Hannity to date. Jon Stewart used Sean Hannity’s own words against him. What makes it epic is how he uses the history that Sean Hannity wraps himself in to actually prove that he is either ignorant to US history or a willful misinforming hypocrite. The statement is kind when placed in the context of the damage Sean Hannity and his ilk are effecting on the American society.

Jon Stewart starts the piece by reminding the audience that it was Ronald Reagan who signed the executive order extending grazing fees indefinitely not President Obama. He then explored Sean Hannity’s claim that his problem with the Cliven Bundy incident is that of proportionality by the government. Jon Stewart immediately showed Sean Hannity’s unconcern when police pepper sprayed unarmed peaceful students at a UC Davis sit-in. He showed Sean Hannity’s blatant unconcern for New York’s stop and frisk policies.

Jon Stewart accepted as valid Sean Hannity’s critique of having Cat Stevens at his Rally to Restore Sanity event in Washington DC. Stevens seemed to have supported a fatwa to kill Salman Rushdie. Jon Stewart took exception to Sean Hannity being the one making the guilt by musician association. After all, Stewart was unaware of Steven’s comments. Sean Hannity knowingly praised Ted Nugent as a friend of his show even after his well-publicized offensive and threatening statement to the President and others.

Jon Stewart amusingly equated Sean Hannity to the “Arby’s of news.” “I just can’t believe that in this day and age with all that we know this sh$t is out there,” Jon Stewart said. “That humanity that our society is still weighed down by these burdens of a seemingly more medieval time; like your show. To see it night after night, serving up the same sh$t, my God, you are the Arby of news.”

Sean Hannity’s faux-patriotism is his demise

The end of the segment got to the core. Sean Hannity wraps himself in the trappings of patriotism, the founding fathers, and the constitution. Cliven Bundy does not recognize the American government as even existing. Is supporting Cliven Bundy a patriotic gesture?

The government is doing much less than George Washington did in crushing the Whiskey Rebellion in order to recover what Cliven Bundy has stolen from the American people. He grazed on land own by us all for free even as he profited fully from the cows raised on these lands.

Sean Hannity cannot wrap himself in the flag as he supports Cliven Bundy. Sean Hannity cannot disparage this government which is the creation of the founding fathers he claims to revere. Sean Hannity proves his intellectual honesty is lacking or at best suspect.

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