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Jon Stewart excoriates Fox News on Benghazi hyperbolic coverage (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart Fox News Benghazi

Jon Stewart skewers Fox News on Benghazi

Jon Stewart methodically exposes the hypocrisy of Fox News. He made fun of the new Benghazi smoking gun email that Fox News and to some extent the mainstream media have hyperventilating about.

Fox News has been attempting to goad the mainstream media to obsess on Benghazi as they are doing. It seems both Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson and Jon Stewart were on the same page yesterday. Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson said the following on the Ed Show on MSNBC.

“I do find it to be an enormous problem in my political Party, the Republicans. I am still a Republican,” Lawrence Wilkerson said. “I find it an enormous problem that they go after something like this, Benghazi, tragedy that it was, and they don’t go after something that is a colossal tragedy like the war crimes of Richard Bruce Cheney.

Jon Stewart provided the context for that reality in his excoriation of Fox News’ lack of coverage of the Bush/Cheney ‘war crimes’ or at best lies and misinformation. While they cover Benghazi ad nauseam, they were derelict in their coverage during the ramp up to the war in Iraq.

Jon Stewart enumerated all the actual investigations that have already taken place on Benghazi. He then contrasted the one intelligence failure in Benghazi with the collapsing dominoes of failures in the lead up to the war in Iraq.

Jon Stewart reminded Fox News that they were lax in their coverage of the planted story in the New York Times subsequently used to mislead Americans. He also showed the parade of lies Fox News continued to facilitate.

Jon Stewart ended the segment with a rather profound statement to Fox News.

The reason it is hard for everybody to get outraged by this terribly tragic and ultimately preventable disaster that was Benghazi, is that everyone in this country has seen this movie before. Only that movie, was on an IMAX.

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