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Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza pleads guilty for making illegal campaign contributions

Dinesh D'Souza

Conservative Dinesh D’Souza pleads guilty to making illegal campaign contributions

Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D’Souza pleaded guilty in federal court in Manhattan on the very day his trial began. He was charged with having two close associates contribute $10,000 each to the Wendy Long campaign. Wendy Long is the New York Republican U.S. Senate candidate who challenged Democratic incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand.

According to the Washington Post,

Dinesh D’Souza, 53, of San Diego, entered the plea in federal court in Manhattan on the day his trial was to begin, admitting he had two close associates each contribute $100 to Wendy Long’s campaign with the understanding that he would reimburse them.

“I did reimburse them,” D’Souza told U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman. “I knew that causing a campaign contribution to be made in the name of another was wrong and something the law forbids. I deeply regret my conduct.”

A plea agreement D’Souza signed calls for him not to challenge any sentence within the range of 10 months to 16 months.

His attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said in a statement immediately after the plea that he was hopeful that the judge “will recognize Mr. D’Souza to be a fundamentally honorable man who should not be imprisoned for what was an isolated instance of wrongdoing in an otherwise productive life.” Sentencing was set for Sept. 23.

Dinesh D’Souza has made a business out of disparaging President Obama. He has always been one of President Obama’s biggest critics. He wrote the book ‘The Roots of Obama’s Rage’. He could only be described as a deceptive hack. He made the inflammatory documentary ‘2016: Obama’s America’.

It is interesting that while Dinesh D’Souza has been attempting to malign the President, it is he who has a checkered past. A few months ago I wrote the following,

The imagined flaws that Dinesh D’Souza attempts to find in Obama will be seen as nothing but projection. One must remember that inasmuch as he continuously attacks the morals of others, it is he that was found in a compromising position. He may have hoped that President Obama would be impeached. Unfortunately, it was him, Dinesh D’Souza who was ‘impeached’ from the presidency of King College for not living up to the expectations of his ilk.

Poetic justice is in play for Dinesh D’Souza. He must have forgotten that when one points a finger there are generally three pointing back. He will have a lot of time to reflect while serving his jail term.

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