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Farming / Growing crops in the middle of the desert- Amazing aerial views

desert farming crop

Aerial view of farming / growing crops in the desert of California, Arizona, & New Mexico

I got a good window seat on both my way to and from San Diego this weekend. I love observing the terrain and the changes from one zone to the next. I spent a lot of time taking pictures from take off to landing now that airlines allow you to keep cell phones on throughout the trip.

I was fascinated with all the industrial farms smack in the middle of the deserts of California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Observing the farming area relative to the actual amount of land made something that I always new, visually evident. There is no food shortage, land shortage, or even water shortage.

The reality is the limiting factor of being able to use all of our resources in a renewable form is our economic system. An economic system that depends on a few being the arbiters of capital is insufficient to maximize human potential.

As the deserts boil and are in search of water, there are floods throughout areas of the country saturated with water. We are blessed with oceans that could be efficiently desalinated with solar and wind power to grow crops and trees to assist in carbon sequestration and recirculation.

With unemployment high, a crumbling infrastructure, and canals that could be built to redistribute water around the country it is a shame that an old economic system is what limits humans from their full potential. It is a shame that most Americans are still indoctrinated into supporting a failed economic system that guarantees the destruction of what was built by us all.

It is amazing what introspection can do. It is amazing what freeing one’s mind from norms can do. Free a mind and solutions flow.

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