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The best quote about Eric Cantor’s loss

Eric Cantor got eaten

The best quote about Eric Cantor’s loss a few nights ago came from John Avlon in the Daily Beast. He wrote the following.

The Republican majority leader fanned the flames of the Tea Party movement, hoping it would help him to take over from John Boehner. Last night he got burned.

Winston Churchill once said “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.”

Last night, Eric Cantor was eaten by the Tea Party. Chomp. Chomp.

It is perhaps the most shocking loss in modern congressional elections—the powerful Republican leader losing his perch to an unknown member of his own party despite outspending his opponent by more than 25 to 1.

Does anyone remember the 1990s where many of the Bill Clinton persecutors ended up either in shame or having to leave Congress. The midterm 2014 elections has the potential to do just that.

For those who accept the prognostics from the talking heads in the traditional media, allow the Eric Cantor loss to temper that trust. If the grassroots is mobilized nothing the guys who spend most of their time with everyone but the people will have no say in our elections going forward.

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