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Kate Kelly, the excommunicated Mormon, speaks about her ordeal

Kate Kelly excommunicated Mormon

Kate Kelly, the excommunicated Mormon speaks

Kate Kelly is the fighter for women’s rights in the Mormon church. She was excommunicated by a panel of 3 men in the Mormon church. Kate Kelly however is not going away. She intends to make her point. After-all, that is what real activism with a purpose is all about. Why can’t women be ordained as priests. As in many churches women do most of the work and engage more with the people.

Kate Kelly was asked why it was so important for women to have the ability to be ordained in the Mormon Church. “It is important that women are ordained in our church,“ Kate Kelly said. “Because the entire leadership structure of the church revolves around having the priesthood. And so in our church women are not given any leadership opportunities over congregations or in the leadership of the church simply based on their gender.”

When asked how the excommunication was affecting her she said it was hard to express the sorrow she felt. Kate Kelly said she felt forcibly evicted from her spiritual home.

When asked why she did not just leave the religion her answer was simple. She did not do this for herself. She did this for her sisters, her nieces, and all women. It is not just about her. She does not want anyone growing up feeling that they are less than. She does not want anyone to feel that there is a systemic achievement opportunity which is implicit within the Mormon’s doctrine relative to women.

Kate Kelly’s dad said that she was never the type to put up with any type of discrimination. He is right. If all activists were like Kate Kelly and stuck with the values of equity and not compromising away equal rights and equality, the country would be much better off both politically and socially.

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