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Stephanie Miller slams Carly Fiorina for defense of bad GOP women policies

Stephanie Miller

Stephanie Miller annihilates Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina appeared on Candy Crowley’s CNN show State of the Union. It was evident that she was sent out as a female to defend the indefensible. It is sad that some women have allowed themselves to be used as pawns to defend or promote draconian policies instituted by men who have yet to evolve into the notions that women are equal and that matters of their bodies should not be dictated by their perceived omnipotence over all.

Carly Fiorina came prepared with a prop. Stephanie Miller came prepared with her wit.

Early on it was evident that Carly Fiorina’s task was to attempt to attenuate the effect of the ‘War on Women’ phrase. After-all the ‘War on Women’ phrase has gotten much deserved traction.

“A lot women including me are sick of the ‘War on Women’, Carly Fiorina said, “And we saw it in spades on Monday after the Hobby Lobby case. The women of Hobby Lobby had access to contraception through their company’s insurance plan before Obamacare …. Somehow this is the long arm of business and the Republican Party reaching into the body of women. It’s ridiculous.”

Carly Fiorina then went to a prop. When one is to make a baseless or untrue claim, a prop serves as the perfect false analogy to detract. “I am reminded, I brought a prop,” Carly Fiorina said. “My husband and I were having Chinese food the other day. And I opened my fortune cookie. Here is what my fortune said. ‘Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.’ And that’s exactly right. The War on Women is shameless, baseless propaganda. There is no fact to it. But it’s worked because it’s scared women to death.”

Stephanie Miller had the perfect comeback. “I respect you very much as a woman for your accomplishments,” Stephanie Miller said. “I even read that you studied medieval history, which I think will come in handy with trying to defend the Republican war on women.” While Carly Fiorina might deny it, Stephanie Miller stated that most women are indeed upset with the decision.

Stephanie Miller then went to the fact based information. “This is not just a war against women, this is a war against science,” Stephanie Miller said. “These religious people believe certain drugs cause abortions, doctors and scientists say they do not. They prevent abortion… I have friends who need it for endometriosis. How do you say you’re small government, and get the government involved in those personal decisions between a woman and her doctor?”

Carly Fiorina fails to realize that the ‘War on Women’ phrase is working because it not only rings true, it is true. All policies that help predominantly women are objected to by the current Republican Party. The minimum wage, free and easy access to birth control, and equal pay among other policy issues materially and economically affect women. To be against them is a War on Women.


I posted this at the Coffee Party USA Facebook page. It got quite a bit of comments.  This one stood out.

Cathy Bettoney Okay, about that “war on women”. You want facts? I’ll give you facts. 72 years’ worth of facts.

  • As a child, I was aware that my father received extra pay because he had children. The single ladies in the same job with dependent children didn’t.
  • As a teenager, I was denied the only medication that worked on an extremely painful condition that caused me to miss school (and later, work) on a monthly basis. Why? Because I wasn’t married. How painful? I’ve been through childbirth twice. Childbirth was less painful. And yes, this was childbirth WITHOUT anesthetic.
  • As a schoolteacher (before Affirmative Action), part of my contract spelled out that if I became pregnant I had to resign.
  • As a newly single mother, I wasn’t allowed to have a telephone in my own name. I had to have my ex-husband sign for me. I had a paying job. He didn’t.

Those are facts, folks. That’s what I personally lived through.

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