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José Díaz-Balart exposes Texas Lieutenant Governor Candidate Dan Patrick behind the scene prejudice

Dan Patrick,José Díaz-Balart,Lieutenant Governor,Texas,Candidate,

Dan Patrick shows an intolerance that would materially hurt Texas in the aggregate

Dan Patrick appeared on José Díaz-Balart’s new MSNBC show today. He attempted to give a semblance of being level headed. He attempted to hide the extreme Right Wing anti-other politician that he is.

José Díaz-Balart in a very journalistically matter of fact manner exposed Texas Lieutenant Governor Candidate Dan Patrick behind the scene prejudice. He exposed the following statement on Dan Patrick’s website.

As Lieutenant Governor, I will work to end in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, prohibit sanctuary cities, prohibit the known hiring of illegal immigrants, and prioritize securing our border. Donate today if you agree we must stop the illegal invasion.

There a was time when both Democrats and Republicans saw the value of given instate tuition to both documented and undocumented Texans. It was the right thing to do for the well-being of the general population and the entire state. Dan Patrick’s prejudice would end up costing Texas more.

If there were not those that hired undocumented people, there would be no demand. Dan Patrick should realize that most of his supporters’ homes were built at attractive prices, homes were cleaned at attractive prices, and children were taken care of at attractive prices by many undocumented people just seeking a better life. It is a maintainable status quo. While it is true we need immigration reform, the intolerance towards undocumented people is hypocritical and ignorant.

Dan Patrick used a rather uninformed statement by State Senator Juan ‘Chuy’ Hinojosa, D-McAllen as a justification for his uninformed statement about the refugee children being a large risk of transporting diseases. Hinojosa said the following.

But just as important is the concern for Texas and our families of our own public health risks from diseases as well as the local economic impact of quickly depleting resources.

A public health crisis could quickly be upon us if we do not face the reality that these immigrants often carry “invisible” diseases. Central America does not maintain a strong healthcare infrastructure as Mexico does. While there is no indication that it has occurred yet, these diseases could quickly invade our communities if we do not properly screen for them; many of which have been virtually eradicated in the United States but are recently revealing themselves in our Texas population. Diseases such as tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis are a serious potential concern for our border residents, especially our children and the elderly.

The reality is that migrant kids are better vaccinated than U.S. kids.

As the election season matures Dan Patrick’s attempt at moderation will likely fail. You can take the pig out of the sty. You can’t take the sty out of the pig.

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