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Jon Stewart destroys myth that Reagan had better response to airliner downing than Obama

Jon Stewart Ronald Reagan

Jon Stewart sets the record straight, Reagan did it no better than Obama

When one watches Jon Stewart, a satirist, on the Daily Show it becomes evident why Americans are not only confused but misinformed. When a satirist on a comedy show provides more accurate news than the traditional news media, the country is in trouble.

Republicans, Conservative, and the ‘Liberal Media’ have been hyperventilating about the president spending response to the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight 17.

President Barack Obama provoked fury in the U.S. on Thursday by casually devoting less than a minute to the deaths of 295 people aboard a Malaysian airliner, as he began an often jokey 16-minute speech about the need to expand America’s transportation infrastructure.

There are no confirmed American dead and the White House issued a statement on Thursday evening which said they were still seeking any ‘information to determine whether there were any American citizens on board’. [MailOnline]

Which crisis should the President decide to change schedules and shut down government for? Should it be what an ineffective heretical media deems more important? The last few days have been plastered with this crash even as there was no additional news to provide. Around the world much other news of consequence was occurring, not only in Israel, but throughout Central, South American, Africa and Asia. Yet in our limited scope an airliner where 295 innocent souls perished took preeminence. Orders of magnitude die every month with no coverage.

If the President reacted to every major tragedy around the world involving a power we disagreed with, nothing would get accomplished. The Congress is a clear example. They turn every event into a crisis and as such are unable to govern.

John Stewart destroyed a few pieces of the misinformation from the cacophony. Firstly he showed how silly GOP responses were.

The lack of maturity, compartmentalization, and diplomacy is astounding. The second attack on the president was his inability to be Ronald Reagan. How would Reagan handle this type of event? Ironically there is precedence because Reagan did. While the myth of Reagan dropping everything to confront Russia is the implication by the Right and a lazy media, Fox News Chris Wallace actually gave real news for a change. Ronald Reagan was on vacation when the Russians shot down the Korean Airliner. He did not want to leave his vacation but did four days later when told it would look bad if he didn’t.

Jon Stewart proceeded to read from Ronald Reagan’s own diary. He mourned losing the last part of his vacation. The traditional news media has a responsibility to inform. They are responsible of ensuring transparency by our politicians. Instead they have simply become tools.

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