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Chris Lollie, Black man assaulted by police in St. Paul interviewed

chris lollie police assaulted black man police

Chris Lollie, the Black man that was viciously assaulted by St. Paul Minnesota police gave an hour long interview to Filter Free Amerika’s Joey Vincent. He went into detail about the entire ordeal.

Chris Lollie tells a little about himself. The police assault follows.

Chris Lollie was sitting in a public area in the skyway of a Minnesota Building. He was waiting a bit before making the trek to pick up his kids at a school close by. The entire incident occurred because a security guard approached him and told him the area was private. Chris Lollie disputes that assertion. A reporter, Liz from WCCO subsequently asked the bank if the area is public and it was confirmed.

chris lollie sat at this public skyway

Chris Lollie has 4 children. He is a hip-hop artist and was working a job to make ends meet at the time. Chris Lollie did not have a criminal record. His previous two experiences with the police of consequence occurred when he was around 7 years old and his mother was pulled over because he and his sister were playing with some object in the back. His mother said the cops claimed they were concerned it may have been guns. The second incident was when cops assaulted him for staring them down during a smoke break in 2009 at one of his jobs.

Chris Lollie’s current encounter proved to be his most difficult of them all. He refused to leave a public area. Subsequently the security guard called the police. The police came, requested an ID. Chris Lollie, aware of his rights refused. When backup came, the cops assaulted him and arrested him. All charges were subsequently dropped. His full interview is here.

What is amazing while listening to the interview is the story Chris Lollie tells about his experiences with the police. This is bound to affect his reality. He has always refused, like any brave red blooded American, to acquiesce to police illegal power. This time he has the goods on them. One hopes that these cops are forced to pay with their jobs and the city with a hefty resolution to a suit, Bringing this dirty secret into the open will force police to remember citizens have rights.

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