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Houston Chronicle endorsed Mike Collier for Texas State Comptroller

Mike Collier

Mike Collier endorsed by Houston Chronicle

Mike Collier received an unequivocal endorsement from the Houston Chronicle. This does not come as a surprise to this blogger as Mike Collier’s qualifications were made for the Texas State Comptroller job.

It is important to note that the Houston Chronicle took into account of two important problems with Mike Collier’s opponent, Glenn Hegar.

The Houston Chronicle correctly pointed out that the incompetence of our current comptroller, Susan Comb, caused the state to compromise the it’s citizens with bad budgeting.

The last two paragraphs of the endorsement said it all.

Collier, one of the more engaging and articulate candidates we interviewed during the campaign season, clearly has the experience to run the comptroller’s office. He also has ideas for making it function more effectively – among them, producing quarterly revenue estimates so that lawmakers would have a better understanding of the state’s fiscal health.

Collier’s one big disadvantage, of course, is that he’s running as a Democrat in the reddest of red states. How refreshing it would be, though, if Texans looked beyond the labels and cast a thoughtful vote for a person clearly qualified for the job he or she is seeking. In the race for state comptroller, that candidate is Mike Collier.

I was honored to interview both Mike Collier and Texas Attorney general Sam Houston on Politics Done Right. They both presented a compelling case that should make them winners.

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